Douglas Yueming Lai

Full-stack Product Designer

Specialise in end-to-end research, design and delivery, building product with engaging experience and translating speculation into actionable innovation.

Currently Developing Products ︎︎︎
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My Selected Case Studies ︎︎︎

AI-powered Career Coaching

A career coaching tool that streamlines job hunting experience, empowering users to manage their career journey with ease and productivity.

The job-hunting process can be complex and daunting. What's more frustrating than job hunt is managing the career journey without a handy tool.


CareerUp is a project-oriented AI career coaching platform, to guide the career development journey with seamless conversation, efficient tracking and stress-free productivity.

- A Design Award 2024
- UXPA National Third Award
- Huawei UX Innovation Pioneer Award
- UX Design Award 2023 nominated

View Case Study ︎︎︎

Personality on Wheels

A new perception of autonomous vehicle(AV) to support developing trust between rider and AV.

When the driver has been taken away, the emotional communication originally undertaken by the taxi driver is missing. Trust becomes the decisive factor to influence customer experience.


ZooKA is an autonomous vehicle ride-hailing service equipped with a zoomorphic driver system designed with zoomorphic behaviour traits to provide emotional engagement building trust between rider and autonomous vehicle.

MA/MSc Thesis Project

View Case Study ︎︎︎

Other Projects ︎︎︎

XP Tournament: Seamless Cross-platform E-sports Tournament Management 

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Human-AI Interaction & Digital Innovation

Playfulness & Sensory Engineering

Speculative Future & Cities in Motion