Unlock the Sensory Pleasure Stored in Fingertips

Gaming Tactile Experience Design

Project Duration: 2 months  |   Individual Work   |   Product  Design UK Pattern Registered Design  

TaSh Gamepad started from a factory visit at Braun Brush, a notable brush-making company in the United States, who fosters the artistic aspects of brush innovation.

Looking at the different types of bristles, the feelings it brings has shown the potential to shape sensory interaction.

Focusing on the feeling of touch, this conceptual controller design aims to create a distinctive and immersive sensory experience, both physically and emotionally. By incorporating brush bristles as input buttons, it expands the tactile dimension for gamers, enhancing focus and heightening gaming pleasure.

My Role: Field Observation, Product Sketch, CMF Design, User Interview, Rapid Prototyping, 3D Scanning, 3D Printing, User Testing, Exhibition Design

UK design pattern registered
Royal College of Art Work in Progress Show 2022
Imperial Spring Show 2022
Royal College of Art Graduation Show 2023

Braun Brush

Design Inspiration

from Game Player Interviews (Invited them to play with different types of brushes and documented their behaviour and feeling)

“I can never resist the feel of comfort and pressure relieving that therapy brush creates when touching, sweeping and pushing it.”

Gaming Tactile Experience 

Focusing on the feeling of touch, TaSH controller design aims to create a unique sensory experience both physically and emotionally.

Explore Sensation of Brush Bristles

Using brush bristles as input buttons expands the tactile experience for the gamer, improves focus and enhances gaming pleasure.

Design for Gaming Pleasure

This gamepad explores the context of an immersive gaming experience through the sense of touch, not just visual and auditory.

Unlock Sensory Pleasure with Touch

Featuring a smooth soft nylon bristles, it creates continuous pressure and vibration stimulation to the fingertip.

From Factory Visit

Observation of the manufacturing process generates insights for design. During the factory visit, the current CEO of Braun Brush, Lance Cheney gave us a tour to explore the manufacturing process of different kinds of brushes.

To Design Experiment

To celebrate the aesthetic and functionality of the brush, several ideation experiments were conducted aiming to explore the imple- mentation of brushes and bristles in other contexts. Based on the ideation methodology, SCAMPER, several questions were listed to lead the experiment.


This work began with a clay prototype, sculpting ergonomic perfection. Using the KIRI Engine’s 3D scanning, I turn prototype into production-ready digital model and 3D printed the final product featuring with a polished finish, hand-bonded brush bristles and 360 degree joystick.


London, UK
  • Royal College of Art Work-in-Progress Show 2022  

  • Imperial College London Spring Show 2022

  • Royal College of Ar Graduation Show 2023

“I love the texture and the tickle of the brush bristles bringing.”

“It’s soft and comfortable. I think it’s ideal for my game. Would love to play it with a real game.”

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© 2024 Douglas Yueming Lai. All Right Reserved.


Human-AI Interaction & Digital Innovation

Playfulness & Sensory Engineering

Speculative Future & Cities in Motion

